Joe Veranese

Chief Information Officer
NCDMM CIO Joe Veranese

Joe Veranese currently serves as Vice President and Chief Information Officer of the NCDMM. Prior to that, he served as the Corporate Services Director responsible for providing program management oversight for corporate resources and initiatives, as well as implementing operational NCDMM improvements and managing staff. Specific corporate resources included information technology, including cybersecurity, internal-external networks, and hardware/software solutions; communications, including event planning, information dissemination, and media relations; and budget analysis company-wide.

Joe joined the NCDMM in 2013 as the Business Systems Manager, responsible for administering the organization’s information systems and technologies.

Before joining the NCDMM, he spent 20 years in the financial sector and served as the Operations Manager of a bank services organization. During his tenure, he seamlessly migrated an on-site data management system to a data center for three service locations, streamlining operational control of a multi-site environment. The project was so successful that after its conclusion, the process and application were commercialized, generating additional revenue streams.

He holds a B.S. in Accounting from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.